Do You Have Imposter Syndrome?

How To Feel More Confident in Meetings

Aiming for perfection shows an imperfect mindset.

The Imposter Cure

Navigating Imposter Syndrome for Newcomers to Canada: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt at Work

Walking into the office, your mind may flood with thoughts like “I got lucky,” “I don’t belong here,” or “These people are so much more competent than I am.” If all this sounds familiar to you, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome manifests in various ways, from decreased self-confidence to turning down growth opportunities. It's crucial to identify these signs to address the impact they can have on both mental and physical well-being.

Combatting Imposter Syndrome:

Strive for Quality, Not Perfection: Being a perfectionist can lead to self-doubt when results aren't flawless. Understand that perfection is an abstract concept; aiming for quality is achievable and healthier. Let go of unattainable standards to maintain productivity and well-being.

Tracking and Acknowledging Success: Document your successes, big and small, to build a collection of achievements. Celebrate these wins, shifting your focus from self-doubt to recognizing your accomplishments. Remember, you control your successes, not fate.

Talk About It: Engage with a neutral party, be it a manager, mentor, or colleague, to gain perspective on your performance. Honest conversations can provide clarity and equip you with skills to combat imposter syndrome.

Say Yes to Growth: Don't decline opportunities due to self-doubt. Embrace challenges, even if you feel unprepared. Growth requires stepping out of your comfort zone, and each opportunity is a rung on the ladder to advancement.

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Q: What are the symptoms of imposter syndrome?

A: Imposter syndrome manifests through persistent self-doubt and a fear of being exposed as a fraud, despite evident success. Common symptoms include:

  • Self-Doubt: Constant questioning of one's abilities and accomplishments.

  • Attributing Success to Luck: Believing achievements are solely due to external factors, not personal competence.

  • Fear of Exposure: Anxiety about being revealed as inadequate or unqualified.

  • Minimizing Achievements: Dismissing success as insignificant, regardless of its magnitude.

  • Overworking: Compensating for perceived inadequacy by working excessively.

  • Difficulty Accepting Praise: Feeling uncomfortable or unworthy when receiving compliments or recognition.

  • Comparison to Others: Unfairly comparing oneself to colleagues and assuming they are more competent.

Recognizing these signs is the first step in overcoming imposter syndrome, fostering self-confidence, and embracing achievements.

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Elevate Your Career with Essential Wisdom

Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon in which people believe they are not worthy of success. They convince themselves that they have done well due to luck and are terrified their shortcomings will eventually be exposed, making it impossible to enjoy their accomplishments.

The Imposter Cure explores the psychological impact of imposter syndrome and exposes the secrets fears and insecurities felt by millions of men and women. Dr Jessamy Hibberd provides sound expert advice to help the reader better understand the problem and overcome it, so they think differently, gain self-belief and learn to see themselves as others do.

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Phrasal Verbs to Help You Feel More Confident in Meetings 🌟

Participating in meetings can already be quite stressful, and this is especially true when English is your second (or sometimes even third or fourth) language. Today, we’re going to talk about phrasal verbs used in meetings – which can be notoriously tricky in English. Understanding what phrasal verbs are and how to use them is not only beneficial for your overall fluency but also for English language tests like the IELTS.

What are Phrasal Verbs? 
Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of one or more particles. For example, consider "bring up." What’s the tricky part, you ask? You can't always figure out the meaning by just looking at the words. Not to mention that the word order can also be a challenge for learners.

Let’s Explore!

Bring Up
Meaning: To introduce or mention a topic for discussion.
Example: “I wanted to bring up the issue of project delays and propose solutions."

Sentence Structures:

  • "I wanted to bring up the issue of project delays and propose solutions."

  • “I wanted to bring the issue up and propose solutions.”

  • “I wanted to bring it up.”

Now, let's take a closer look. Where do you think the thing we're talking about (“the issue”) can go in these sentences? What about when we use a pronoun like “it”? 

By reviewing these examples, you’ll notice that “the issue” can be placed EITHER between the words “bring” and “up” or after. However, the pronoun “it” can ONLY be placed between, not after.

Incorrect: I wanted to bring up it.

More Phrasal Verbs to Add to Your Toolkit:

Take On
Meaning: To accept or undertake a task or challenge.

The team decided to take on a challenging project.
The team decided to take the project on.
The team decided to take it on

Put Off
Meaning: To postpone or delay.

Let’s put off the discussion until everyone is present.
Let’s put the discussion off.
Let’s put it off

Can you think of any other phrasal verbs that you use in the workplace?

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