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Soft Skills Canadian Employers Value Most

Formal VS Informal Language in the Workplace

Influence always outpaces authority

Soft Skills Canadian Employers Value Most

As newcomers to Canada, it can sometimes be a challenge to adapt to a new job market. While you may have undergone training to develop hard skills, it can be less straightforward to develop the soft required to succeed in the Canadian workforce. 

Below, you will find 5 soft skills valued by Canadian employers, as well as how to develop and communicate them on a CV.

Employers value adaptability because it demonstrates an employee's ability to thrive in ever-changing environments.

📄 On your CV, mention any certifications, courses, or workshops you've completed to acquire new skills or knowledge, which indicates your willingness to adapt and grow professionally.

📚 Read "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck for insights into fostering a growth mindset.

Effective communication is fundamental for building strong relationships, resolving conflicts, and ensuring clarity in tasks and goals. 

📄 On your CV, highlight your communication skills by writing something like: “Presented quarterly reports to senior management, conveying complex data in a clear and concise manner.”

📚 Read "Nonviolent Communication" by Marshall B. Rosenberg for practical techniques.

Collaboration is essential for accomplishing complex tasks and achieving organizational goals, which is why employers seek individuals who can work well with others and contribute positively to team dynamics. 

📄 On your CV, mention successful team projects. For example: “Collaborated with cross-functional teams to launch a new product line, contributing ideas and solutions that resulted in a 20% increase in sales.”

📺 Watch Simon Sinek's TED Talk, "Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe".

Work Ethic
A strong work ethic reflects an employee's dedication to delivering high-quality results, making it one of the most valuable soft skills to have under your belt.

📄 On your CV, highlight specific accomplishments that demonstrate your dedication and diligence. For example, mention exceeding sales targets, consistently meeting deadlines, or receiving performance awards.

Read 📚 "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth.

Positive Attitude
An employee with a positive attitude at the workplace is a valued member of the team, as they often boost morale and keep motivation up.

📄 On your CV “Acted as a mentor to junior colleagues, providing encouragement and guidance to help them overcome obstacles and achieve goals.”

📺 Watch Shawn Anchor's TED Talk "The Happy Secret to Better Work".

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Q: What are soft skills, and why are they important in the workplace?

A: Soft skills are the personal attributes, personality traits, inherent social cues, and communication abilities needed for success on the job. 

They include skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, leadership, and time management. While hard skills are crucial for performing specific tasks, it's often soft skills that determine how efficiently and effectively those tasks are completed, making them essential for career success and advancement.


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 Formal VS Informal Language in the Workplace

Effective communication in the workplace requires striking a balance between professionalism and clarity. While informal language can help build rapport and camaraderie, there are times when formal language might be more appropriate. Here are 4 commonly used informal and formal phrases.

"Give me a heads up" (Informal) ➡️ "Please inform me in advance" (Formal)

Informal😎 Asking a colleague to let you know ahead of time if there are any changes to the schedule for an upcoming meeting.

Formal🎩 Sending an email to a client requesting that they notify you in advance of any changes to their requirements for an upcoming project.

"Touch base" (Informal) ➡️ "Have a brief conversation" (Formal)

Informal 😎 Checking in with a coworker to discuss the progress of a project and exchange updates. 

Formal 🎩  Scheduling a meeting with your supervisor to discuss key deliverables and provide updates on your current tasks.

"Shoot over" (Informal) ➡️ "Send promptly" (Formal)

Informal 😎 Asking a colleague to quickly email you a document or report.

Formal 🎩 Requesting that a vendor promptly send you a quotation for a service.

"Make it" (Informal) ➡️ "Be able to attend" (Formal)

Informal 😎 Confirming with a coworker that they will be able to attend a meeting.

Formal 🎩  Asking a client if they will be available to participate in a scheduled conference call.

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