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  • 🇨🇦 👩🏽‍💼 Top Tips for Women Leading in Canada

🇨🇦 👩🏽‍💼 Top Tips for Women Leading in Canada

Stop Over-Apologizing at Work. Say This Instead

Only when diverse perspectives are included, respected, and valued can we start to get a full picture of the world.

Why Are Most CEO’s Men? 7 Tips For Women Leaders in the Canadian Workplace

Statistics reveal a troubling trend: only 8.2% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women, despite comprising 50% of the workforce. Why is this the case?

One major reason is the pervasive gender bias in corporate culture. Stereotypes favouring masculine traits often lead to biased hiring and promotion decisions, disadvantaging women. Additionally, structural barriers like limited mentorship, networking opportunities, and work-life balance challenges hinder women's progress in leadership roles.

Consider, for instance, the inspiring example of Arlene Dickinson, a prominent Canadian businesswoman and former CEO of Venture Communications. Despite her notable achievements, women like Dickinson remain the exception rather than the norm in the upper echelons of corporate leadership.

Tips for Women Leaders in the Canadian Workplace
Despite these obstacles, women can take proactive steps to advance their careers:

  1. Build a Strong Support Network🤝: Cultivate relationships with mentors and allies for guidance and support.

  2. Develop Leadership Skills📚💼: Invest in training and professional development to enhance leadership capabilities.

  3. Advocate for Yourself💪: Assert your worth and communicate your achievements confidently.

  4. Challenge Gender Bias📣: Speak up against discrimination and advocate for gender equality.

  5. Seek Leadership Roles🌟: Volunteer for leadership opportunities to gain visibility and experience.

  6. Prioritize Work-Life Integration: Set boundaries and advocate for flexible work arrangements.

  7. Lead by Example 🌈: Support colleagues, mentor others, and champion diversity and inclusion initiatives.

As we approach International Women’s Day, it's crucial to acknowledge these challenges and work towards a more inclusive workplace where people can thrive in leadership roles, regardless of gender.

Navigating New Horizons with Expert Guidance from a Seasoned Career Coach

Q: How can I negotiate a higher salary or better benefits package without seeming aggressive or pushy?

A: When negotiating for a higher salary or better benefits, it's essential to approach the conversation with confidence and preparation. 

  1. Start by researching industry standards and the value of your skills and experience in the market. 

  2. Focus on articulating your contributions to the company and the added value you bring. 

  3. Frame your request in terms of what's fair and reasonable based on your qualifications and the market rate. 

  4. Emphasize your commitment to the organization's success and your desire to continue making meaningful contributions. 

By presenting your case professionally and respectfully, you can demonstrate your worth without coming across as aggressive or pushy, fostering a constructive dialogue aimed at achieving a mutually beneficial outcome.

Elevate Your Career with Essential Wisdom

Written by a female author, this insightful take on leadership rejects the notion of power through titles and status. Instead, it champions those who foster potential in others and ideas. Geared towards those ready to embrace courage, the book challenges readers to make a difference and lead authentically.

True leadership, as described, involves staying curious rather than claiming to have all the answers, sharing power to make it infinite, and confronting vulnerability for meaningful progress.

Newcomer Friendly Job Listings

🛑 Stop Over-Apologizing at Work!

Canadians are known around the world for saying “sorry”. And while apologizing after bumping into someone (even when they bumped into you) might be seen as polite or endearing, over-apologizing in the workplace can have unintended consequences. It can undermine people’s confidence in you, create misunderstandings, or even cause people to focus too much on the negative.

Here are some situations where saying sorry could do more harm than good – and our suggestions for what to say instead!

🛑 Apologizing as a Way to Show Empathy – Even When It's Not Your Fault

Imagine this scenario: A manager is upset over a mistake. It's not your error, but rather an issue with the current procedure, but they're directing their frustration at you. In an attempt to defuse the situation, you might say . . .

“I’m sorry. I was just following the procedure, but – ”

Let’s pause here.

While you may think you're diffusing the tension, what you're actually doing is allowing this person to channel all their built-up frustration — onto you.

So, here’s a better approach.

“I hear your frustration. We don’t want this happening again. Why don’t we [suggest a solution]”

Alternatively, if you don’t have a solution yet, you can turn the question back to them.

 “I hear your frustration. We don’t want this happening again. What can I do to help?”

By acknowledging and validating their frustration and also offering your support, you effectively diffuse the situation while maintaining your boundaries.

🛑Apologizing for Every Minor Error

Imagine you’re working on a project and someone finds a typo in your work. 

“I’m so sorry!” you say. “I’ll fix this right away.”  

What you’re doing here is drawing WAY more attention to your error than necessary. The focus should be on the overall success of the project and your contribution as a whole, not a typo.

So, instead try something like this:

“Thanks for catching that!” or “Good eye! I’ll fix it right now.”

Remember, it’s important to convey confidence in our communication! The focus should always be on solutions rather than problems, your talents rather than deficiencies, and progress rather than setbacks.

Are there any areas of your work where you think you might be over-appologizing?

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